
Names of all the jason bourne movies
Names of all the jason bourne movies

This time, Bourne is engaged in a desperate hunt through, alphabetically, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris, Tangier and Turin, while secret CIA operatives in America track him using a perplexing array of high-tech gadgets and techniques. It's not often you find a character you care about even if you don't believe he could exist. That Matt Damon can make this character more convincing than the Road Runner is a tribute to his talent and dedication.

names of all the jason bourne movies

No real person would be able to survive what happens to him in this movie, for the obvious reason that they would have been killed very early in " The Bourne Identity" (2002) and never have survived to make " The Bourne Supremacy" (2004). "Ultimatum" is a tribute to Bourne's determination, his driving skills, his intelligence in out-thinking his masters and especially his good luck.

names of all the jason bourne movies names of all the jason bourne movies

That said, so what? If I don't care what Jason Bourne's real name is, and believe me, I sincerely do not, then I enjoy the movies simply for what they are: skillful exercises in high-tech effects and stunt work, stringing together one preposterous chase after another, in a collection of world cities with Jason apparently piling up frequent-flier miles between them.

Names of all the jason bourne movies